I was tired of wearing my glasses all the time.

I had a long-standing relationship with very dry eyes which was causing difficulty wearing my contacts. I also was tired of wearing my glasses all of the time. My eye doctor mentioned that I would be a great candidate for Lasik eye surgery, so I gave them a call and ended up scheduling an appointment. The doctor at Tennessee Lasik was a personal friend as we as a colleague of my Ophthalmologist . I felt like I would be in good hands even before meeting them.Once I was there, they put some drops in my eyes and gave me a mild sedative to help me relax. After about 30 minutes, I was called back to the operation room. I remember hearing them telling me what they were doing, but I must have conked out because when I woke up, they were finished and I had bandages and sunglasses over my eyes.. And, that was that. I was sent home with antibiotics, some pain medicine and told to keep the bandages on for 2-3 days (along with the glasses) I slept most of the way home (almost 4 hours). I followed up with my regular eye doctor and my eyes couldn't be better. My only concern is, and I was told this might happen, is that my near-sightedness his starting to cause problems and I've had to buy some reading glasses. You can choose do have this procedure done to one eye instead of both. That way you have one eye for long distance vision and the other one for short distance. I had them both done, so I see awesome at a distance, BUT must have reading glasses up front. I don't have a problem with that though.

Ginger Arrington

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